Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Book Whisperer

Click Here

Every reading teacher and home-school parent should read this book! This book was assigned as our summer professional development. After we read each chapter, we will record our answers to some thought-provoking questions. My answers will be on my blog (save-a-tree!) Our principal gave us the first 2 questions and then each grade level will create 2 questions for each chapter. After tonight, I plan to share some of my highlights from the book and share the questions.

Tonight, I wanted to offer some over-all thoughts about the book. It was very easy to read so no excuses! The author, Donalyn Miller, is from Texas so I feel she understands the pressure we have for our state mandated tests. She offered alternative activities to replace the traditional activities found in classrooms. I wonder how she gets her grades from some of the activities? I plan to give my students the time to read books of their choice independently. AND I will read during this time so I can talk to them about the books...books that are their level! It gets me excited to think I can take time, in my busy day, to read a book!

Happy Reading,

Thursday, June 20, 2013

My Goal

I started this blog in 2008 when I took a Web 2.0 class. Over the past year, I have found a lot of wonderful ideas on Pinterest. Bloggers have shared their ideas, pictures and freebies. I was raised to pay-it-forward so I decided to revamp my "old blog". A lot has changed and I have spent most of today updating my skills. I feel my blog is a work in progress so continue to check back for updates. I plan to share my ideas and pictures.

There is a link to my Pinterest's boards and there is one, "Blogging", that I have added several links today. Some of the pins, I need to continue reading to learn more about blogging.

Time to figure out dinner,

PS....note to self:  design a cute signature for my blog!

Monday, June 17, 2013


This summer, I am hoping to get in the habit of posting. I have tried over the years to start and restart this blog but have not been successful. If you ask Google (which I love to do!), it will tell you it takes 21-28 days for something to become a habit. I think in reality it is longer. So I will pursue this goal and see what happens. 

A lot has changed since I started this blog (2008 & I have deleted the old posts to give me a fresh start) so I need to do some research. Oh boy, learning some new skills!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

One of my passions

I have several passions! 

I am a maroon-blooded Aggie!!!

I love to read and teach ELA. I believe in life-long learning so I am constantly looking for the missing pieces that will help my students succeed. I want them to become life-long readers......readers that read because they love it! I am not finished!

My fun and creative one is technology. I love the ever-changing nature of educational technology. My goal is the seamless integration of technology into my curriculum. I am the TL2 for my grade level so I get to share my love with my team mates.

I teach technology classes to teachers in the district and on my campus. I enjoy problem solving when a teacher wants to create a technology project for their class. 

Anything crafty is a passion...from scrapbooking to paper crafting to  card making to wood crafts to.....well, you get the idea. I am totally addicted to Pinterest! Realize that just because I want to do this in my spare time, doesn't mean that I actually get to do it.